Monument record 8424 - Screvan Quarry, North Uist
Grid reference | NF 90577 78737 (point) |
Map sheet | NF97NW |
Island | North Uist |
Parish | NORTH UIST, Western Isles |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
39: pottery findspot. Two pieces of prehistoric pottery were recovered from the surface of Trench 4 (excavated by Babtie). The exact provenance is unknown, but indicates possible domestic activity.
Badcock & Symonds 1997
The feature from which the bulk of the artefacts were derived, encompassing a gully (initially interpreted as a temporary flue) and an assortment of large boulders, and containing considerable quantities of charcoal, quartz, and, of course, pottery, embedded within a fill indistinguishable from surrounding context, is not atypical of the confusing evidence frequently interpreted as the remains of Neolithic settlement in the Western Isles...
Indeed the consistency of this type of evidence has led to the possibility of characterising the Neolithis settlement as being fairly slight and transient, comprising short lengths of wall which either acted as braces for hurdle structures, or as a base for turf built structures...
The numberous quantitites of artefacts which are discovered at some of these sites does seem at odds with the quality of the structural remains and does lead to interpretations such as sites of manufacture or of peculiar forms of depositions. Artefacts are however likely to have been brought to the site so that particular activities could be undertaken. The predominance of certain pottery vessel forms has been described above - the deeper jars to the exclusion of open bowls. This may indicate a preference for vessels which it was easier to carry the contents within. The lithic analysis suggests that tools were brought to the site ready made, as there is a lack of evidence for on-site knapping. Tools were for scraping or cutting. It would appear that the range of domestic utensils and activities is narrow - perhaps the site at Screvan can be envisaged as a seasonally used place of procurement and preparation of particular foodstuffs.
Downes & Badcock 1999, 45-46
Berneray Causeway. Neolithic settlement; burial cairns; post-medieval cultivation, NF 905 790 (centre)
An archaeological watching brief was undertaken from October-December 1997 at the Rubh'a'Charnain Mhoir peninsula during the development of the Screvan Quarry site and the causeway linking North Uist to Berneray. In addition to the watching brief, a variety of features identified through walkover survey were excavated. These features included post-medieval boundaries and agricultural traces. Evidence of quarrying and harbour features were also noted.
Examination of a findspot of pottery from within the screvan Quarry area was undertaken, revealing evidence for Neolithic settlement activity. A large shallow pit and associated deposits contained the remains of up to 150 pottery vessels, as well as flint and quartz tools and part of a macehead. Other findspots and features which could be assigned to the Neolithic were located in the vicinity of the larger spread of material.
A cairn was revealed during stripping of topsoil for the causeway and new slipway at Otternish. The part of the cairn revealed was cleaned and recorded, during which a substantial kerb was observed. The cairn measured 8 x 8.8m and stood 0.5m high, and appeared to be a burial monument, possible Bronze Age origin. The cairn was directly impacted by the development, but discussion with the consultants, Babtie Group and Historic Scotland resulted in the monument being preserved in situ through the redesign of the works.
Downes and Badcock 1998, 101
Anna Badcock & James Symonds, 1997, An Archaeological Walkover Survey:Berneray-North Uist Causeway & Quarry Site (Unpublished document). SWE41021.
Council for Scottish Archaeology, 1998, Discovery and Excavation in Scotland (Bibliographic reference). SWE41173.
Jane Downes & Anna Badcock, 1999, Berneray Causeway (Unpublished document). SWE41023.
Sources/Archives (3)
- --- SWE41021 Unpublished document: Anna Badcock & James Symonds. 1997. An Archaeological Walkover Survey:Berneray-North Uist Causeway & Quarry Site. 2.
- --- SWE41023 Unpublished document: Jane Downes & Anna Badcock. 1999. Berneray Causeway.
- --- SWE41173 Bibliographic reference: Council for Scottish Archaeology. 1998. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (3)
- Event - Survey: Berneray Causeway: Archaeological Walkover survey & Watching Briefs (Ref: ARCUS 231) (EWE82)
- Event - Intervention: Berneray Causeway. Watching Brief & Excavations at Screvan Quarry Site, Otternish, Nth Uist & Aird ma-Ruibhe, Berneray. (EWE303)
- Event - Survey: Berneray-North Uist Causeway & Quarry Site Walkover Survey (EWE302)
Record last edited
Oct 26 2023 12:13PM