Monument record 10651 - H78 - Horgabost, Harris


Structural remains


Grid reference NG 04720 96387 (point)
Map sheet NG09NW
Island Harris
Parish HARRIS, Western Isles
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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

H78 Complex of structural remains:

(a) NG 04720 96387. Turf and stone structure c. 10 x 3m. Wall thickness c. 1m and maximum surviving height c. 0.5m. Linear feature c. 15m long composed of turf and stone located to south. Thickness c. 0.5m and maximum surviving height c. 0.75m. Probably boundary dyke.
(b) NG 04717 96398. Turf and stone structure C. 10 x 3m, east facing entrance, much collapse.
© NG 04712 96400. Turf and stone structure c. 4 x 3m. Wall thickness c. 1m and maximum surviving height c. 0.5m.
(d) NG 04711 96408. Irregular turf and stone structure c. 5 x 3m. Wall thickness c. 1m and maximum surviving height c. 0.5m.
(e) NG 04724 96396. Turf and stone structure c. 5 x 3m. Wall thickness c. 1.5m thickness and maximum surviving height c. 1.5m.
(f) NG 04723 96389. Turf and stone structure c. 5 x 4m built into banking below structure (a). Wall thickness c. 1.5m and of maximum surviving height c. 1.5m. Trace of internal wall in north-east corner c. 0.5 wide and c. 0.5m high.
(g) NG 04749 96421. Banked enclosure c. 20 x 30m of stone and turf construction. Maximum width c. 0.5m and maximum surviving height c. 0.5m.
(h) NG 04729 96418. Structural outline of turf and stone c. 9 x 7m. Defined by low bank c. 0.3m wide and c. 0.5m high. Embedded stone on western side. Central hollow, entrance on north-east side.

John Hunter, 2004, Harris Sites & Monuments Record (Unpublished document). SWE41075.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: John Hunter. 2004. Harris Sites & Monuments Record.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Nov 30 2004 12:57PM

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