Monument record 14412 - Lambol Burn, Siadar, Lewis


Settlement ruins east of Teampall Pheadair between old settlement road and Lambol Burn


Grid reference Centred NB 38034 54973 (277m by 267m)
Map sheet NB35SE
Island Lewis
Parish BARVAS, Western Isles


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

SABS 15: Ruins on 1st Edition map (1853) to east of Scheduled Area between the old settlement road and Lambol Burn
Centred on NB 38052 54959

To the east of the Teampall Pheadair Scheduled area, north of the present track to the shore, and east of the track northwards to the old Siadar settlement, is a second group of ruins comprising two enclosures and their associated buildings, as recorded on the 1st edition map (1853). Three large buildings are still upstanding to up to 1.5m in places, and are part of the same pre-crofting settlement recorded at Teampall pheadair (NB35SE 10) to the west and Lambol Burn to the east (NV35SE 31), on the north and east shores of Mol Eire and Loch Fideach. Although some disturbance has occurred to the ruins during the upgrading of the track ways and drains, they are still largely upstanding on the gound.

NB 37991 54952

This small sub-rectangular structure shown on the 1st edition map (1853), aligned north east to south west upstanding to 1m at the east end is adjacent to the above buildings, and is now cut by the track to Mol Eire. Attached on its west side to a bank that runs along the west side of the track, immediately south of the scheduled area around NB35SE 10, adjacent to the fence line. Built from stone and turf walls, measuring 4 x 5m externally, with the inner faces of walls visible in places in the interior.

Barrowman 2007, 28

Chapman, James / Gibbs, Alexander, 1807-09, Plan of [the] Island of Lewis (Cartographic materials). SWE41337.

Rachel Barrowman, 2007, Siadar Active Breakwater Scheme: Desk-based assessment, walkover survey and recommendations (Unpublished document). SWE41165.

Sources/Archives (2)

  • --- Unpublished document: Rachel Barrowman. 2007. Siadar Active Breakwater Scheme: Desk-based assessment, walkover survey and recommendations.
  • --- Cartographic materials: Chapman, James / Gibbs, Alexander. 1807-09. Plan of [the] Island of Lewis. Digital.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Jan 7 2025 4:58PM

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