Monument record 2155 - ST KILDA, 'CLASH NA BEARNAICH'


Dolerite quarry and working site


Grid reference NF 09700 98800 (point)
Map sheet NF09NE
Island Hirta, St Kilda
Parish HARRIS, Western Isles
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Full Description

NF09NE 16 097 988.

Observation of extensive quarries in dolerite bluffs especially N of central 'chimney' with working debris on screes below, in part covered by soil and vegetation. Individual outcrops along the contour further N have been worked and stone-working debris and rough-outs found. Evidendy the source of the numerous broken stone implements, to be found in walls and cleits in Village Bay area to E.
A Fleming 1994.

NF 097 988 Surface survey of the dolerite screes of Clash na Bearnaich ('The Chimney') produced implements, large stone mauls (originating on the beach), smaller beach-pebble hammes, and waste material from quarries located at high levels (c400ft, 130m) to N and S of The Chimney itself. The quarry faces have suffered from erosion and much of the quarry waste on the upper parts of the scree is now grassed over, though its locations are detectable.
Systematic survey of the structures in the Village Bay area produced numerous mostly broken dolerite implements, some used as wedges in cleitean.
A Fleming and M Edmonds 1995.

A Fleming, 1994, Discovery and Excavation, Scotland, 95 (Bibliographic reference). SWE34022.

A and M Fleming and Edmonds, 1995, Discovery and Excavation, Scotland (Bibliographic reference). SWE38852.

Sources/Archives (2)

  • --- Bibliographic reference: A Fleming. 1994. Discovery and Excavation, Scotland. 95. 95.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: A and M Fleming and Edmonds. 1995. Discovery and Excavation, Scotland. 106.

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Record last edited

Jul 28 2005 2:24PM

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