Record Search
Number of records found: 19
Bibliographic reference: SWE41000 Coastal Erosion Assessment, Lewis. A Report for Historic ScotlandCoastal erosion assessment and walkover survey for the coastline of the whole of the west coast of Lewis and the east coast south to Lochs.
Machine readable data file: SWE41355 Extract from HES Canmore databaseNo summary available
Unpublished document: SWE41151 Calanais Fields Project: Second Interim Report 2000interim report on work carried out in July and August 2000, as part of a research excavation and survey project investigating the sub-peat fields at Calanais Farm
Monograph: SWE41275 Calanais Survey and Excavation, 1979-88The full report on excavations at the stone ring and alignments at Calanais in the Western Isles.
Unpublished document: SWE41150 Calanais Fields Project: First Interim Report 1998-1999report on watching brief on the burying of an electricity cable 1998, revealing a sub-peat agricultural landscape, and the first season of research excavation following this in 1999
Unpublished document: SWE41261 Calanais Standing Stones. Isle of Lewis.Cultural Heritage Erorsion Survey. Assessment of erosion to inform site management stratagy.
Unpublished document: SWE41011 Excavation of a Kerb Cairn near Calanais, Isle of Lewis: Revised Data Structure ReportThis report presents the results of an archaeological excavation carried out by the Centre for Field Archaeology in November and December 1995 of a kerb cairn. The work was commissioned and wholly funded by Historic Scotland.
Digital archive: SWE41327 Calanais Coastal SurveyWalkover survey of coastal and inter-tidal zones as part of the larger 'Beneath the Peat' project led by Richard Bates, University of St Andrews.
Bibliographic reference: SWE41184 Discovery and Excavation in ScotlandNo summary available