Thesaurus Term/Concept: WALKOVER SURVEY

Identifier 147322
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A planned programme of investigation conducted within a defined area aimed at identifying and surveying previously unrecorded sites and checking the condition of known sites.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (0)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (28)

Context Record
Event Type EWE232 2 Caolas, Vatersay, Isle of Barra. (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type EWE243 A Desk Based Assessment and Walk Over Survey at 3A, Flodabay, Isle of Harris. (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE250 Aird a Mhachair - Eochar Mains Renewal (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type EWE281 Archaeological Watching Brief & Excavation, Bac Tolsta. Isle of Lewis (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EWE310 Balallan East ST Archaeological Desk Based Assessment& Walkover Survey. (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE314 Balallan Mid ST Archaeological Desk Based Assessment& Walkover Survey. (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type EWE264 Bayble Desk Based Assessment& Walkover Survey (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE217 Bayhead Water Mains Renewal (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE302 Berneray-North Uist Causeway & Quarry Site Walkover Survey (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE265 Brue. Desk Based Assessment & Walkover Survey (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE296 Calanais Coastal Survey (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE299 Calanais Vistors Centre. Archaeological DBA & Walkover Survey. (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type EWE284 Great Bernera Bridge Replacement, DBA & Walkover (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type EWE254 Herring Walk Coastal Promenade. Isle of Barra (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE287 Leverburgh Housing Development (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE214 Lochportain Water Pipeline (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE313 Meavaig Archaeological Desk Based Assessment & Walkover Survey Archaeological Desk Based Assessment & Walkover Survey (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type EWE325 Proposed Water Main Renewal (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type EWE324 Proposed Water Main Renewal, Dalmore RCI Dalmore DMA, (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type EWE262 Proposed Water Main Renewal, Stinky Bay. Benbecula. (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type EWE256 Rodel House, Harris (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE292 SSE - Calanais - Giosla Overhead Line Replacement (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EWE228 SSEN-Barvas Moor Underground Cable (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE294 Stornoway DWP Footpath Desk Based Assessment & Walkover Survey (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type EWE263 Vigadale Mountain Bike Tracks Walkover Survey (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE239 West Lewis SDB Dam replacement Archaeological Desk-based Assessment and Walk Over Survey (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE216 Wind Turbines Criongrabhal (Event - Survey)