Western Isles Historic Environment Record - Clàr Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil nan Eilean Siar
Welcome to the Western Isles Historic Environment Record. This is the online version of the HER and it is maintained by the Western Isles Council Archaeology Service.
It contains over 14,000 records ranging from the earliest human activity on the islands up to the Cold War and more contemporary structures.
It includes archaeological monuments, historic buildings and landscapes and holds information on statutory and non-statutory designated sites, buildings, and areas.
This resource is regularly updated with new information.
Fàilte do Chlàr Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil nan Eilean Siar. ’S e dreach air-loidhne de HER a tha seo, agus bidh Seirbheis Arc-eòlais Comhairle nan Eilean Siar ga stiùireadh.
Tha 14,000 clàr ann, a’ gabhail a-steach a’ ghnìomhachd dhaonna as tràithe sna h-eileanan, suas chun Chogaidh Fhuair agus structairean nas co-aimsireile.
Tha e a’ gabhail a-steach carraighean-cuimhne, togalaichean eachdraidheil agus cruthan-tìre, agus bithear a’ cumail fiosrachadh mu làraichean reachdail agus neo-reachdail, togalaichean, agus àrainnean.
Bithear ag ùrachadh a’ ghoireis seo gu cunbhalach le fiosrachadh ùr.