Monument record 10274 - ECC 15.6/1.13 Eilean Chalium Cille


Mausoleum, constructed over earlier buildings


Grid reference NB 38587 20999 (point)
Map sheet NB32SE
Island Lewis
Parish LOCHS, Western Isles
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Type and Period (5)

Full Description

"Situated on the southern shore of Eilean Chalium Cille, 10 metres to the south of the Chapel of Saint Columba (15.3), this group of structures measures 16 x 15 metres overall and is orientated from north to south. Consisting of 13 rectilinear cells ranging in size from 1.5 x 2 metres to 4 x 4 metres, these remains focus on one upstanding mausoleum measuring 5 x 5 metres and constructed of drystone. This structure stands to a maximum height of 1.5 metres and has as single entrance at the centre of its west wall. Internally there is a single burial dated to 1859. This mausoleum seems to have been constructed over many of the earlier cells that surround it. The earlier structures are constructed of a mixture of drystone and turf. Several of the other cells, to the north and west of the mausoleum have recumbent grave slabs within them. It is likely that within this group of cells are the remains of one or more early blackhouses. Possibly orientated from west to east to the north of the overall group, one such early structure would have measured 22 x 6 metres. It seems likely that a mausoleum was constructed in the vicinity of one or more blackhouses. This mausoleum was later added to with various additional burial enclosures, some possibly within the extents of the earlier house structures. Latterly a purpose built mausoleum (Victorian in date) was imposed over the earlier structures, maintaining the tradition (perhaps along family lines) in that area." (Burgess 2004, 90-91)

Chris Burgess, Northamptonshire Archaeology, 2004, Archaeological Survey and Evaluation of Eilean Chalium Chille and the Putative Site of the Seaforth Head Castle (Unpublished document). SWE41054.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: Chris Burgess, Northamptonshire Archaeology. 2004. Archaeological Survey and Evaluation of Eilean Chalium Chille and the Putative Site of the Seaforth Head Castle. Loch Seaforth Head Gazeteer.

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Jul 22 2004 2:30PM

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