Monument record 2484 - CALLANISH, LEWIS


Stone circle and associated secondary cairns


Grid reference NB 21300 33000 (point)
Map sheet NB23SW
Island Lewis
Parish UIG, Western Isles


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

NB23SW 1 2130 3300.

For miscellaneous finds in area (now in RMS) see NB23SW 23 (formerly recorded with NB23SW 1).

A megalithic setting with an obviously secondary (A S Henshall 1972) chambered cairn, and another cairn which is not necessarily part of the megalithic scheme.
The setting is basically a circle, with arms radiating approximately towards the cardinal points, the row to the north being double, forming an avenue, which is, however, closed by the arc of the circle. A single stone standing opposite the inmost of the southern alignment suggests that this may also have been double. Outside the SW arc of the circle is an outlier perhaps the rudiment or remains of a second circle (RCAHMS 1928). The stones are of unwrought Lewis gneiss, varying in thickness from 5 1/4" to 20", packed at base with small stones. The tallest, 15'7" high, stands in the centre of the circle; the others range down to 3'6". Matheson (J Matheson 1862) who had the site cleared of 5' of peat in the mid-19th century, mentions 'a rough causewayed pavement in which the circle stones are embedded'. (possibly the base packing)
The chambered cairn is set eccentrically within the circle, incorporating the central pillar within the line of its kerb on the west and two of the stones of the circle on the east. Cairn material still remains to a depth of 2' but the double chamber has been deroofed - probably in antiquity, since Matheson (J Matheson 1862) appears to have found it in much the same state as it is today. On the south side the cairn appears to be joined to a slightly raised causeway which runs down the south alignment.
The second cairn which impinges on the NE arc of the circle has been an oval of 18' by 14'; it is reduced to ground-level and the outline can just be traced. The site, unique in Scotland, lies on a hillock called 'Cnoc an Tursa' - 'Hill of Sorrow'. The stones are locally said to have been quarried from the nearly vertical face of the west side of the ridge Druim nan Eum. (NB 228 338)
RCAHMS 1928; A S Henshall 1972; J Matheson 1862.

As described and planned. Known locally as the 'Standing Stones of Callanish'.
Surveyed at 1/2500
Visited by OS (R L) 25 June 1969.

The monument known as Calanais or Callanish Standing Stones comprises the world-famous standing stones at Calanais (also known as Callanish) and associated features, sited on the summit of a low rise, on the W coast of Lewis and the Western Isles. The arrangement of the Calanais standing stones is unique. The monumen t comprises an approximate circle of standing stones from which long lines of stones, including an 'avenue, radiate in four directions. Within the stone circle are also the remains of a small chambered cairn. In the SW part of the site are the foundations of an early modern house and corn-drying kiln. Excavations in 1980 and 1981 demonstrated that the stone circle was set up between 2900 and 2600 BC. The area to be scheduled includes the stone circle and radiating lines of stones, the chambered cairn, the house and the kiln, and an area around these features in which evidence relating to their construction and use may survive. It is irregular and measures a maximum of 223m from N-S by 87m from E-W. All above ground modern fences and signage, as well as the modern structures of paths and road surfaces are excluded from the scheduling to allow for routine maintenance.
Historic Scotland Scheduling Document, 28.10.2002

Chapman, James / Gibbs, Alexander, 1807-09, Plan of [the] Island of Lewis (Cartographic materials). SWE41337.

J Matheson, 1857-60, Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 110-12 (Bibliographic reference). SWE5180.

J MacCulloch, 1879, A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, Vol. 3, 49 (Bibliographic reference). SWE13313.

B Somerville, 1912a, J Brit Astron Assoc, 24-37, No. I (Bibliographic reference). SWE7991.

RCAHMS, 1928, The RCAHMCS 9th Report & Inventory: Outer Hebrides, Skye and the Small Isles, 24-7, No. 89 plan figs. 68-70, illusts figs. 60-4 (Bibliographic reference). SWE5587.

R W Feachem, 1963b, A Guide to Prehistoric Scotland, 49 (Bibliographic reference). SWE2141.

A Thom, 1967a, Megalithic Sites in Britain, 35, 64, 68, 96, 122, 123, 127, 132, 138, 151, 164 (Bibliographic reference). SWE7507.

A. Henshall, 1972a, The Chambered Tombs of Scotland, 461-2, LWS 3 (Bibliographic reference). SWE3275.

E Hadingham, 1975, Circles and Standing Stones, 65, 69, 101-6, 118, 139, 182, 186, 188, 190, 197, 208, 231 (Bibliographic reference). SWE13316.

E W MacKie, 1975a, Scotland: an archaeological guide, 168-70 (Bibliographic reference). SWE4660.

{H} A {W} Burl, 1976a, The Stone Circles of the British Isles, 15, 34, 62, 148-55, 156, 207, 330, 358 (Bibliographic reference). SWE2801.

M, G and G R Ponting, Ponting , 1977, Discovery and Excavation, Scotland, 32 (Bibliographic reference). SWE13308.

G and M Ponting and Ponting, 1977b, The Standing Stones of Callanish, 1-25 (Bibliographic reference). SWE13307.

University of Glasgow, Departm, 1978, Callanish: a map of the standing stones and circles at Callanish, Isle of Lewis (Bibliographic reference). SWE13317.

A and A S Thom and Thom, 1978a, J Hist Astron, 3, 5, 24, 172-3 (Bibliographic reference). SWE7614.

G R Curtis, 1979, Hebridean Naturalist, 31, 38 (Bibliographic reference). SWE13315.

{H} A {W} Burl, 1979a, Rings of Stone: the prehistoric stone circles of Britain and Ireland, 11, 31, 39, 70, 71, 86, 98-107 (Bibliographic reference). SWE2803.

D C Heggie, 1981, Megalithic Science: ancient mathematics and astronomy in north-west Europe, 7, 75, 83, 133-4, 159, 162, 195, 209-12 (Bibliographic reference). SWE9604.

P J Ashmore, 1981b, Discovery and Excavation, Scotland, 49-50 (Bibliographic reference). SWE13305.

M R and G H Ponting and Pontin, 1982, 'Decoding the Callanish Complex - progress report', 191-203 (Bibliographic reference). SWE13345.

H A W Burl, 1982, 'Pi in the sky', 144-5, 188 (Bibliographic reference). SWE12598.

D. J. Breeze (ed.), 1984a, Callanish, 1-31 (Bibliographic reference). SWE1230.

G and M Ponting and Ponting, 1984a, The Stones around Callanish: a guide to the minor megalithic sites of the Callanish area, (gives extensive bibliography) (Bibliographic reference). SWE5376.

J N G and M Ritchie and Harman, 1985, Exploring Scotland's Heritage: Argyll and the Western Isles, 11, 12, 30, 129-30, 141-3, 160 No. 76 (Bibliographic reference). SWE6206.

I A G Shepherd, 1986a, Exploring Scotland's Heritage: Grampian, 141-3, no. 76 (Bibliographic reference). SWE6610.

Ponting, 1998, Callanish Guide Book (Bibliographic reference). SWE13314.

Histopric Environment Scotland, 2016, Calanais Survey and Excavation, 1979-88 (Monograph). SWE41275.

CFA, 2020, Calanais Standing Stones. Isle of Lewis. (Unpublished document). SWE41261.

Sources/Archives (28)

  • --- Bibliographic reference: D. J. Breeze (ed.). 1984a. Callanish. 1-31. 1-31.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: H A W Burl. 1982. 'Pi in the sky'. 141-9. 144-5, 188.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: P J Ashmore. 1981b. Discovery and Excavation, Scotland. 49-50. 49-50.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: G and M Ponting and Ponting. 1977b. The Standing Stones of Callanish. 1-25.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: M, G and G R Ponting, Ponting . 1977. Discovery and Excavation, Scotland. 32. 32.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: J MacCulloch. 1879. A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland. Vol. 3, 49.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: Ponting. 1998. Callanish Guide Book.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: G R Curtis. 1979. Hebridean Naturalist. 3. 29-40. 31, 38.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: E Hadingham. 1975. Circles and Standing Stones. 65, 69, 101-6, 118, 139, 182, 186, 188, 190, 197, 208, 231.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: University of Glasgow, Departm. 1978. Callanish: a map of the standing stones and circles at Callanish, Isle of Lewis.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: M R and G H Ponting and Pontin. 1982. 'Decoding the Callanish Complex - progress report'. 191-203. 191-203.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: R W Feachem. 1963b. A Guide to Prehistoric Scotland. 1st. 49.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: {H} A {W} Burl. 1976a. The Stone Circles of the British Isles. 15, 34, 62, 148-55, 156, 207, 330, 358.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: {H} A {W} Burl. 1979a. Rings of Stone: the prehistoric stone circles of Britain and Ireland. 11, 31, 39, 70, 71, 86, 98-107.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: A. Henshall. 1972a. The Chambered Tombs of Scotland. 2. 461-2, LWS 3.
  • --- Unpublished document: CFA. 2020. Calanais Standing Stones. Isle of Lewis..
  • --- Monograph: Histopric Environment Scotland. 2016. Calanais Survey and Excavation, 1979-88.
  • --- Cartographic materials: Chapman, James / Gibbs, Alexander. 1807-09. Plan of [the] Island of Lewis. Digital.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: E W MacKie. 1975a. Scotland: an archaeological guide. 168-70.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: J Matheson. 1857-60. Proc Soc Antiq Scot. 3. 110-12. 110-12.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: G and M Ponting and Ponting. 1984a. The Stones around Callanish: a guide to the minor megalithic sites of the Callanish area. (gives extensive bibliography).
  • --- Bibliographic reference: RCAHMS. 1928. The RCAHMCS 9th Report & Inventory: Outer Hebrides, Skye and the Small Isles. 24-7, No. 89 plan figs. 68-70, illusts figs. 60-4.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: J N G and M Ritchie and Harman. 1985. Exploring Scotland's Heritage: Argyll and the Western Isles. 11, 12, 30, 129-30, 141-3, 160 No. 76.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: I A G Shepherd. 1986a. Exploring Scotland's Heritage: Grampian. 141-3, no. 76.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: A Thom. 1967a. Megalithic Sites in Britain. 35, 64, 68, 96, 122, 123, 127, 132, 138, 151, 164.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: A and A S Thom and Thom. 1978a. J Hist Astron. 9. 170-9. 3, 5, 24, 172-3.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: B Somerville. 1912a. J Brit Astron Assoc. 23. 83-96. 24-37, No. I.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: D C Heggie. 1981. Megalithic Science: ancient mathematics and astronomy in north-west Europe. 7, 75, 83, 133-4, 159, 162, 195, 209-12.

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Jan 8 2025 2:50PM

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