Monument record 256 - CLACH AN TURSA, CARLOWAY, LEWIS


Standing stones


Grid reference NB 20410 42950 (point)
Map sheet NB24SW
Island Lewis
Township Carloway, Uig, Lewis
Parish UIG, Western Isles
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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

NB24SW 1 2041 4295.

(NB 2041 4295) Clach an Tursa (NR) (Stone of Sorrow)
OS 6' map, (1965)

A fine standing stone facing and slightly incling NE. It measures 7' 6' in height, 2' 11' across the SW face 3' 5' across the NE and about 1'10' thick. To the NE at a distance of 3' is a long prostrate pillar stone, broken in two and partly buried, 14' 8' long, at least 3'3' wide, and over 1' 4' thick. A somewhat similar stone, also broken in two, 17' long, 5' broad and 1' 8' thick. lies 11' west of the upright pillar.
RCAHMS 1928, visited 1914.

Clach an Tursa, a standing stone, with two prostrate stones as described by RCAHMS.
Surveyed at 1/2500.
Visited by OS (R L) 18 June 1969.

The monument comprises three large stones, one standing and the other two prostrate (one broken), plus an area around them in which related remains may survive. The monument is already scheduled, but the area scheduled is not adequate to protect the likely area of archaeological importance, hence this rescheduling
The upright stone is about 2.2m high and 1m across. One metre to the NE is a 3.6m long stone which appears to have formerly stood erect, as myay also another recumbent, broken stone totalling 4.5m in length lying 3.5m to the W of the upright one. To the S are the foundations of a rectangular structure of later date some 7m by 9m.
The area now to be scheduled is a rectangle 20m NE-SW by 10m, to include the upright and two fallen stones, the later enclosure and an area around and between them in which evidence relating to their erection and use may survive...
Scheduling Proposal

The entry in the Schedule of monuments ... is hereby amended to describe the area of the scheduled monument as a rectangle measuring 20m NE-SW by 10m, to include the upright and two fallen stones, the later enclosure and an area around and between them in which evidence relating to their erection and use may survive...
HS Schedule, 3.3.99

The monument known as Clach an Tursa, standing stones and enclosure, Lewis, comprises three large stones, one standing and the other two prostrate (one broken), and an area around them in which related remains may survive. The area to be scheduled measures 25m NE-SW by 12m, to include the upright and two fallen stones, the later enclosures and an area around and between them in which evidence relating to their erection and use may survive. The above ground remains of modern fencelines are not included in the scheduling, to allow for their maintenance.
Historic Scotland scheduling document 27.1.2005

RCAHMS, 1928, The RCAHMCS 9th Report & Inventory: Outer Hebrides, Skye and the Small Isles, 24, No. 87 (Bibliographic reference). SWE5587.

A Thom, 1967a, Megalithic Sites in Britain, 128, 138, no. H 1/8 (Bibliographic reference). SWE7507.

G and M Ponting and Ponting, 1977b, The Standing Stones of Callanish, 31 (Bibliographic reference). SWE13307.

Sources/Archives (3)

  • --- Bibliographic reference: G and M Ponting and Ponting. 1977b. The Standing Stones of Callanish. 31.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: RCAHMS. 1928. The RCAHMCS 9th Report & Inventory: Outer Hebrides, Skye and the Small Isles. 24, No. 87.
  • --- Bibliographic reference: A Thom. 1967a. Megalithic Sites in Britain. 128, 138, no. H 1/8.

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Record last edited

Jul 28 2005 2:24PM

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